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Сколько стоит замена шарового шарнира? Руководство по замене шарового шарнира

Может 31, 2023 | Новости

Ball joints are crucial suspension parts that connect your vehicle’s steering knuckles to the control arms. Когда шаровые шарниры изношены и выходят из строя, это может привести к проблемам с рулевым управлением и управлением. Если вашему автомобилю требуется замена шаровой опоры, here is what you need to know about ball joint replacement cost and the process.

Ball Joint Replacement

The ball joint replacement process involves:

  • Removal of old ball jointsThis usually requires compressing or cutting the joints if seized.
  • Inspection of control arms and tie rodsLook for cracks or damage that may require replacement.
  • Installation of new ball jointsThis can involve pressing, heating or threading in the new joints.
  • Alignment checkAn alignment is recommended after replacing ball joints to adjust toe and camber settings for optimum handling.
  • Road testDrive the vehicle after replacement to check for noise or issues and make adjustments if needed.

Supplier Tell You How To Control Ball Joint Replacement Cost

The average cost to replace ball joints ranges from $300 к $1,200 depending on your vehicle, the extent of labor and parts needed. As leading China ball joint replacement cost supplier, we will tell you some of the factors that impact ball joint replacement cost include:

  • Vehicle typeReplacing ball joints on trucks and SUVs generally costs more due to their size.
  • LaborLabor typically accounts for 50-60% of replacement costs. A basic ball joint replacement job takes between 2 к 6 hours depending on difficulty.
  • PartsOEM ball joints tend to cost more but also last longer. Aftermarket parts can cost 30-50% less.
  • Number of ball jointsReplacing all 4 wheel ball joints usually offers the best ride and handling improvements and costs more.
  • Shop choiceDealerships tend to charge the most and independent shops the least for parts and labor.